Friday Finds

In Journaling by Allison Byxbe

Starting a new tradition on WiCTT, Friday Finds, where I share articles, posts, and podcasts that I’ve found really good, helpful, inspiring, funny, or otherwise worth your time to read!

  • Finding Sabbath rhythm has been a value for me and Ben throughout our marriage, but it’s also been a challenge. Have you practiced the art of Sabbath-ing well? Or is this a new concept for you? Either way, read this helpful and practical article by Kimberley Mulder on the beauty and necessity of a day of rest. I also really, really enjoyed Doris Swift’s “The Sweet Sanctity of Slow” – doesn’t her title just draw you in?
  • Life mostly feels anything but simple and yet I’m drawn to the idea that it’s possible in this crazy, chaotic world we inhabit. Is it wishful thinking to imagine a life of simplicity? Crystal Twaddell shows that it is both possible and life-giving in her post.
  • I’m always on the hunt for a book to add to my nightstand and really love it when it comes highly recommended, so I was excited to read Valerie Murray’s review of The Baggage Handler and get the book ASAP!
  • Ben often says I have the spiritual gift of interrogation (ha!) and it’s true, I’ve never met a conversation I couldn’t keep going with a few really good questions. So, reading Katrina Larson’s list of five great relationship questions is definitely my jam!
  • I find myself wanting to learn more about nutrition and mental wellness, so listening to Rebekah Fedrowitz’s (MDN, BCHN) podcast on this issue was extremely eye opening! So fascinating how interconnected our minds, bodies, and souls are.
  • And sometimes those questions I love make for some hard conversations; Patricia Marshall’s article is really insightful on navigating those hard but nourishing conversations.

Drop a line in the comments! Which ones did you read? What did you learn? What did you enjoy?