Radical Acceptance and the Fullness of Joy

In Publications by Allison Byxbe

January is no longer a time when I lament who I haven’t yet become. Instead, I am choosing radical acceptance both for who I am and who I am becoming.

I have not gotten here quickly or easily; rather, this is a hard-earned, always evolving lens through which I’m learning to frame my story. I’m inviting you into my own story, praying that you too, will find the extravagant, freeing, radically accepting love of Jesus as the defining story in your life.

When my husband Ben and I married in May 2009, we wrote this line into our vows: I love the person you are, and I promise to love the person you’re becoming. For some inexplicable reason, this pledge made perfect sense to vow to my husband, but it would be nearly a decade before I realized how desperately I needed to apply this God-given truth to myself.

I grew up with relative self-confidence, as I was well-loved, well-adjusted, and had plenty of friends and good grades to boot. I never anticipated….[join me @ The Glorious Table for the rest of the story]