I kept a secret for months, too afraid to speak it aloud to anyone. The secret thrived on an irrational fear, so in my embarrassment, I was quiet.
Then, one day, my husband described a terrible nightmare. “You died,” he explained. “And I was left all alone to raise our kids.” I froze in fear. Was his dream a prophetic warning? Almost immediately, my secret came tumbling out to him: the fear of dying in childbirth had been gnawing at my heart for months.
It started as soon as the pregnancy test came back positive, a nagging worry that blossomed into full-blown panic with my husband’s dream. Ironically, my third pregnancy was going according to plan, right on time. All checkups had confirmed that baby and I were healthy. As we neared the end of my pregnancy, it seemed like the day of the c-section would arrive uneventfully. Everything was fine, except for me. I was terrified of dying on the operating table. Read the rest at The Glorious Table…