Happy Third Birthday

In Family by Allison Byxbe

Dear Reed,

Three years has unfolded an observant nature. A giggly, silly, make yourself laugh personality. A determined and sometimes stubborn spirit. A gentle, kind soul. And a love for all things that can (and often shouldn’t) be thrown.

You were born on the cusp of summer’s end, just hinting at fall. A beautiful season where summer’s memories are stockpiled and autumn promises things that warm and fill the soul. I remember leaning on the cusp of becoming something, someone, I never dreamed.

People want to know things about you. Are you walking, talking, learning more, yet, or enough? Have they learned yet? The world never says to any of us enough. Time’s impatient yet is scattered like seed on everyone. None of us measure up with our more.

But that’s why we don’t build our life on more, yet, and enough. We nourish a life on this moment present , on daily given grace, on a never giving up kind of love. And we declare all of this exceedingly enough.

You, Samuel Reed, are loved beyond measure. Your ma and daden (as you would say) give thanks for the little boy you are and the beautiful person you are becoming.

Happiest of birthdays to you, bubba!