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On my 6th Mother’s Day

In Family by Allison Byxbe

My dear, wildly precious children, Being your mother is, to me, a mostly impossible task. I’m being asked to be who I am not yet. You see, I didn’t often …

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The Year that Made you Four

In Family by Allison Byxbe

To the boy who declared he turned 44 this birthday, You are joyful and vibrant and full of light. You love purple and pink and swords and glitter and songs …

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The Sweetest Year

In Family by Allison Byxbe

Dear Ansley, My corn silk haired baby, you have been such a joy this year! You are a mile marker to the beginning of us — our family — all new. …

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The Year You Turned 6

In Family by Allison Byxbe

Reed, when I look at these pictures — all snapped moments, like a still shot calendar — I see a loyal, goofy, loving boy. You became a big brother all …

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Happy 3rd Birthday, Lucas

In Family by Allison Byxbe

Happy 3rd birthday, buddy! This morning, as we sat around the breakfast table, we shared your birthday story. Your usually dancing, hoppin’, laughing self sat scarce breath and wide-eyed still …

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An Advent Reflection

In Personal by Allison Byxbe

All this life has me wearied. All this anger and frustration and yelling and eating that which doesn’t satisfy – it’s left me so over it all. I’m tired of …

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Happy 5th Birthday, Reed!

In Family by Allison Byxbe

Dear Reed,  Five years ago we were sitting in a hospital room, knowing that the day would stretch long as we waited for you. And just before 3 a.m. on …

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Raising Reed

In Personal by Allison Byxbe

 Sitting at the kitchen table of my not-quite-unpacked kitchen, just a couple scant weeks since we’d uprooted our little family and moved 600 miles north, I watched Ben’s expression grow …

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Happy Birthday, Luke!

In Family by Allison Byxbe

It seems that I’m running behind in many ways these days, and wishing you this happy second birthday is no exception. You officially entered our family 730 days ago, and …